Rabu, 26 Agustus 2009

ash..... iwanthim

"LET'S DANCE TOGETHER, GET ON THE DANCE FLOOR!" subhanallah. gue hidup dan tumbuh kembang dirumah diiringi lagu ituuuu, thats my maid's ringtone. ga berniat ganti yg lain ya mbak? hahahahaha sosososo bowring. ke sekolah msh ngantuk, krn gue slh jadwal tidur, di mobil gabisa tidur, ipod lupa gue charge 2 hari daaaaaaannnnn dan dan the bad is gue gabisa liat videonya si AshKutch, sbr yaaaaaaa aku pasti bakalan jengukin km lagi kok di video itu, walaupun km capek aku repeat2 trs, but thats the only way i can see yooouuuuu!!!!! :'''''(
kpn yaaaa gue bisa ktm sm Ash bnrn??????????? tuhan inikan lagi puasa, walopun saya lagi ga puasa, tp pasti sbg tuhan yg baik terhadap umat, maukan ngabulin doa sayaaaa? mmmm doanya sepele kok buat Tuhan, saya cuman mau, Ash ke rumah saya, bawa dvd SPREAD khusus buat sayaaaa, kalo itu dikabulin saya mauuuuuuuuuuuuu deh jd org yg sedikit beriman, thanks before looooh:D:D:D:D and i want to fasting again:( smg halangan ini cpt selesaaaai. saya tau post yg ini sangat ga penting, terima kasih utk sedikit membuang energi kekuatan mata anda hehehehe


Rabu, 12 Agustus 2009


so fucking bloody hell. well, i just want to tell u that STOP JUDGING OTHER PEOPLE WHO BETTER THAN U ANYWAY!!!!!! kay? shut up ur mouth. keep doing what u have to do, but not to judging people by ur own mind. do u think that u guys(gross, im calling them 'guys') are the greatest people? oh well poor u "GUYS". ur fucking mouth and ur damn crazy bloody hell mind are just kind of RUBBISH. spoiled. dont being such an asshole. stupid. scotch other ppl that u think they're cooler, smarter, nicer, than u??? so envious ha-ha.


HELLO!!! long time no post. how r ya? absolutely great!!!!