Minggu, 12 April 2009

monday and school day

back to hellllllllll? oh phlease, i like monday and i love school without school life is not cool. gue ngmg gini ya tergantung mood gue aja, sometimes i just feel like "aarrrgghhh, jam berapa sih nih? gila gatau org ngantuk apa? masih penting sekolah?" but when i reached the school i feel so happy. gue suka suasana pagi sekolah gue, ada guru2 dtg naik motor, pak satpam ngatur mobil, anak sekolah lagi saling melempar senyuman ketemennya, murid salam ke gurunya, gue seneng banget kaya gini, kadang2 gue suka senyum2 sendiri ngeliatnya:) pas sampe di kelas gue ga lsg ke kelas gue duduk2 dulu di depan kelas brg temen2, cerita2, kalo ada ulangan kita belajar. hemm, the point is, gue semangat buat pergi ke sekolah besok:D:D:D:D hey everyone, let's burning your heart and make your school life full of the unforgettable things.... 3tahun tuh ga lama loh, byebyebye

<3, AVI

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